C++ Program to add two integers
Simple C++ program to add two integers:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int n,m,sum; cout<<"Enter two integer \n"; cout<<"Enter first integer: "; cin>>m; cout<<"Enter second integer: "; cin>>n; sum=m+n; cout<<"Sum of "<<m<<" and "<<n<<" = "<<sum; return 0; }Another C++ program to add two integers using function
#include<iostream> int SumOfInteger(int m,int n) { int sum=m+n; return sum; } using namespace std; int main(){ int n,m,sum; cout<<"Enter two integer \n"; cout<<"Enter first integer: "; cin>>m; cout<<"Enter second integer: "; cin>>n; sum=SumOfInteger(m,n); cout<<"Sum of "<<m<<" and "<<n<<" = "<<sum; return 0; }