C program to print address of integer using pointer

Simple C program to print address of integer using pointer: We know that pointer stores the address of another variables. To print address of integer, we declare a pointer to integer variable and store the address of integer into it. To print address, we use %u.
/* C Program to print address of integer */
int main()
 int n,*p;
 printf("Enter a integer: ");
 /* Sotre address of n into p */
 printf("Address = %u",p);
 return 0;
/* End of the program */

Another C program to print address of integer
/* C Program to print address of integer */
int main()
 int n,*p;
 printf("Enter a integer: ");
 /* Sotre address of n into p */
 printf("Address = %u\n",&n);
 printf("Address = %u",p);
 return 0;
/* End of the program */

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