Convert number from octal to binary C program
Convert number from octal to binary. Octal number is a base 8 number and octal number contains 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 digits and binary number is a base 2 number and it contains 0 and 1.
In octal system digits 0 to 7 are written as
So if octal number is 345 then binary number is
3 = 011; 4 = 100; 5 = 101;
so 345 in binary system is 011100101
C Program:
In octal system digits 0 to 7 are written as
0 = 000;
1 = 001;
2 = 010;
3 = 011;
4 = 100;
5 = 101;
6 = 110;
7 = 111;
1 = 001;
2 = 010;
3 = 011;
4 = 100;
5 = 101;
6 = 110;
7 = 111;
So if octal number is 345 then binary number is
3 = 011; 4 = 100; 5 = 101;
so 345 in binary system is 011100101
C Program:
/* C program to convert octal to binary */ #include<stdio.h> int main() { char octal[100]; printf("Enter octal number: "); scanf("%s",octal); printf("%s in binary: \n",octal); int i=0; while(octal[i]) { switch(octal[i]) { case '0': printf("000"); break; case '1': printf("001"); break; case '2': printf("010"); break; case '3': printf("011"); break; case '4': printf("100"); break; case '5': printf("101"); break; case '6': printf("110"); break; case '7': printf("111"); break; } i++; } return 0; }