Programming Interview Questions Collection
In this post, we are giving interview questions that are asked in interview. These questions might help you in the interview. Here these programs are asked in interview to our friends and colleagues. There are also so many questions that are asked in interview.
String Questions:
1. Reverse string ( in place).
2. Print duplicate characters from string.
3. Find first non-repeated character from string.
4. Find whether two string are anagram of each other or not.
5. Generate all permutations of a given string.
6. Check whether two string are rotated each other.
7. Length of longest sub-string without repeating character.
8. Reverse words in a given string.
9. Print longest sub-sequence of two strings.
10. String matching problem.
Array Questions:
1. Shifting zero to the end of an array.
2. Merge sort
3. Quick sort
4. Maximum sum in contiguous subarray.
5. Find a pair of elements whose sum is equal to a given number.
6. Sort an array of 0s,1s,2s.
7. Kth smallest and largest element.
8. Find sub-array whose sum is equal to a given number.
9. Maximum and minimum( absolute ) difference between elements
10. Find majority element in array.
11. Find a pair whose sum is closest to zero.
12. Rotate an array by k elements.
13. Find element occurring odd number of times.
There are also so many questions that are repeatedly asked in interview. We will update those as soon as we know.
String Questions:
1. Reverse string ( in place).
2. Print duplicate characters from string.
3. Find first non-repeated character from string.
4. Find whether two string are anagram of each other or not.
5. Generate all permutations of a given string.
6. Check whether two string are rotated each other.
7. Length of longest sub-string without repeating character.
8. Reverse words in a given string.
9. Print longest sub-sequence of two strings.
10. String matching problem.
Array Questions:
1. Shifting zero to the end of an array.
2. Merge sort
3. Quick sort
4. Maximum sum in contiguous subarray.
5. Find a pair of elements whose sum is equal to a given number.
6. Sort an array of 0s,1s,2s.
7. Kth smallest and largest element.
8. Find sub-array whose sum is equal to a given number.
9. Maximum and minimum( absolute ) difference between elements
10. Find majority element in array.
11. Find a pair whose sum is closest to zero.
12. Rotate an array by k elements.
13. Find element occurring odd number of times.
There are also so many questions that are repeatedly asked in interview. We will update those as soon as we know.